Changsha Business Chamber Visited Chengdu Business Chamber
The Changsha Business Chamber visited Chengdu yesterday and had a
communication with our Chengdu Business Chamber. Forty entrepreneurs coming from construction, environment protection technology, mechanical equipment, Media and advertisements, culture and tour, foods and alcohol industries attended the communication. It was a hot communication, entrepreneurs introduced their own industries and exchanged their opinions for future expectations, and try to find opportunities of cooperation and ways of crossing industries. At last both the chamber exchanged gifts for each other.
As an active member of our Chengdu business chamber, Manhua Flower Resort sponsored this communication for both meetings site and dinner. Manhua Flower Resort is very hot recent years due to its beautiful flowers in four seasons, and it also has complete affiliated service of conference and meals, is a nice place for wedding and conference.
And China Exploration, the standing member of the chamber, taked parted in the communication arrangement as well as the tour of Changsha Business Chamber in Chengdu.